José Sarukhán explained that “Natural Capital of Mexico” abstract main elements of the four volumes previous with object of contribute in the decision making of politics of the country.
National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (Conabio), March 16, presented the book Synthesis “Natural Capital of Mexico”, which abstract main elements of the four volumes previous but with news data and information. This action to update the previous Synthesis and represent advantage strategic for contribute in the decision making of politics in Mexico about biodiversity.
Speaking at the presentation of book conference, José Sarukhán Chief Coordinator of Conabio, said Capital Natural has been indicator in the development of knowledge nature of Mexico, of how we have deteriorated it and how we have kept it. “This that we going to show today is just a actualization of the points most main of this study Capital Natural”.
Silvia Singer, managing director of Interactive Museum of Economics, explained the books are especially aimed to decision makers of publics politics but is important that citizens know that yours patterns consumer, waste, use and respect to the nature are essential and all people have to appropriate of them for pressure and have active participation in society.
Enrique Provencio, researcher and profesor at the Faculty of Economics of the UNAM, detailed this publication resume points for make to change toward the sustainability. All need to know more, stop causes of biodiversity loss, use it well in production systems, preserve it and restore it, more culture to participate all and govern well the use and conservation of biodiversity.
This book present updates data as: the increase in the number of known species that are reported in the country. It has information of approximately 21,677 species more than reported it in 2008 (when volume I of Natural Capital was published), which represents an increase of 19.6 percent.
Document that 127 species were loss in the country (74 were endemic), which means that these species have become extinct on the planet: 26 plants, 38 fish, 29 amphibians, 19 birds and 15 mammals.
Also shows that between 50% and 60% of the plant species known in Mexico are endemic, which means that half or more of the country’s flora is not found in anywhere else in the world, so if these species become extinct disappears from the planet.
The loss of natural ecosystems has been severe because more recent estimates indicate that the country conserves only 50% of its coverage of natural vegetation (in primary condition).
In genetic variation in Mexico, the current level of knowledge has increased, where the main advance has been that in recent years has begun to produce genomic information for many Mexican species, mainly for agricultural use.
The rate of expansion of the urban areas at the expense of natural ecosystems in the last two decades has been 3.5% per year, while that rate of expansion of the agricultural frontier is 0.7% for the same period.
Natural Capital also shows the results of mangrove monitoring carried out by Conabio every five years; that the agricultural area has remained relatively constant since 1980, although new areas have been opened for agriculture and the abandonment of degraded lands continues.
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